Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blow Outs

I never put much thought into the real day to day tangable benifits to cloth diapers until I had some experience with my nephew. His parent chose to use land fill diapers and this was well before I have even given though to having children of my own. It was in my care that I experience my first blow out. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, a blow out is when well simply a diaper fails to hold the load. This normally end up with poop up the back of the child or out the legs, resulting in most cases in a bath. I can honestly say I dont know how frequently this occurs with landfill diapers, but I know for a fact that it happened several time when I was caring for my nephew.

I dont know what specifically is deferent with cloth diapers, but with my one year old max, We have yet to have a blow out when he was wearing cloth. I think no matter what benefit you may see in using landfill diapers over cloth, I will stand by my perfect record and appreciate that I have never had to give a bath right after finishing with one. All the 3 am poop changes have gone off with relative ease